Saturday, June 14, 2008

Power Over Money--Control Your Future

Discover Your Uniqueness

Too often, as we grow further into adulthood, we become systematic thinkers. This means that we depend on following instructions, traditions, and patterns to process our experiences or lessons. This can make embracing your Uniqueness difficult, since your Uniqueness has no instructions, traditions, or patterns. It is not relevant to time, cultures, or systems. This unique energy operates freely and without boundaries. Sometimes as adults, we become so entrenched in the system of our lives that we forget to think openly or express our Uniqueness. We can even forget that it exists or that we have freewill to think for ourselves and express ourselves.

Stress and anxiety are also hindrances to our unique energies, our birthright to wealth and success. We spend so much energy and time combating these tensions that either we forget our natural powers or we lose trust in them.

Here is an analogy that may help you understand and regain these unique energies. Have you ever planned a vacation for a week? You know the kind of vacation that takes you away from work, home, and school. If so, do you remember your feelings that lead up to your leaving? Anticipation filled every second of every day and you quietly worried something could prevent the trip.

And, when you finally left for the vacation, you took a moment to exhale? This small release may have happened while you were waiting for take-off or driving away pass the state line.
When you reached your destination, you hurried to do nothing and then tried to do everything, except unpack.

On the first day, you may have put on your favorite vacation outfit, the one you bought just for this vacation. A T-shirt or a jacket that promised to tell everyone ‘you are not from around these parts’. Excitement surged throughout your body as you compared everything you saw to home.

By the second day, you began to forget about home, work, and even family plus the many things that cluttered your life. The only calls you were accepting were from your closest friends who could not make it. And your body began a slow decent into tranquility—you could probably measure the amount of tension you were losing on a bathroom scale.

On the third, fourth, and fifth day, you probably didn't think about your problems at all and something remarkable began to happen. Ambitious energy awakened you to a world that is for your taking. Entitlement preceded your every step. You felt lighter, life seemed clearer, and your creativity was everywhere. Breath-taking dreams with endless possibilities took the place of your doubts and fears. You opened a box of resourcefulness you never knew you had and started to assemble a working network of extraordinary gain. Success was a swallow away and you could already feel the strength of its nutrients. “Why haven’t I done this for myself before?” "I can do this...." Alright, I'm gonna make this happen!"

On the sixth day, you likely devised a plan of execution or you promised yourself to make a change in your life. You deserve this kind of freedom and with one last exhale, you began to see your vacation disappear. However, you vowed to be back—for good.

On the seventh day, you packed your scattered clothes into your bags and it is a strenuous effort to leave. The wonderful energy drained slightly from you body and you can feel the stress lines in your face around the corner. Then the remarkable began to turn slowly turn back into normal. The elements of your troubles left back home crept back into your MindSet one by one.

Soon that wonderful feeling faded like kettle steam in the air and so did your dreams. You are back in work mode and the old MindSet.

If this has happened to you or something similar, you were experiencing a brush with your Uniqueness on the third, fourth, and fifth day. The power you felt is your Uniqueness and is always in you, waiting to be unveiled. You smother it with stress, anxioties, and depression. It is up to you to let that power shine—or not. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you could embrace your Uniqueness all the time?

Find out how in The Power Over Money: Control Your Future. A book to empower young adults (Coming July 1, 2008) Click Here

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